
Fun Starts Here

Refer A Friend

Invite A Friend To Check Us Out!


Hey guys! Remember our holiday schedule is just like our weekend schedule. 8:00 and 9:15 Thursday through Friday. Remember to reserve a spot early!

This is a little bit of brutality so take stock of how you feel based on the last week’s programming and scale accordingly.

It’s a repeat and we score this on points. The heavier loads were worth more.

First round=3 points per clean and jerk

Second round=2 points per clean and jerk

Third round=1 point per clean and jerk

Part A

3 Rounds

200 Meter Run

10 Barbell Good mornings

10 single arm db push press each side 35/25

Part B

Clean and Jerk


Part C


4 Minutes

20 DB Snatch 50/35

25 Wall Balls 20/14

Max Clean and Jerks in remaining time 135/95

1 Minute rest

4 Minutes

20 DB Snatch 50/35

25 Wall Balls 20/14

Max Clean and Jerks in remaining time 115/80

1 Minute Rest

4 Minutes

20 DB Snatch 50/35

25 Wall Balls 20/14

Max Clean and jerks in remaining time 95/65


4 Minutes

20 DB Snatch 35/20

25 Wall Balls 14/10

Max Clean and Jerks in remaining time 115/80

1 Minute Rest

4 Minutes

20 DB Snatch 35/20

25 Wall Balls 14/10

Max Clean and Jerks in remaining time 95/65

1 Minute Rest

4 Minutes

20 DB Snatch 35/20

25 Wall Balls 14/10

Max Clean and Jerks in Remaining Time 75/55