Hey guys
Just wanted to announce that Thursday night some Thor Fitness people are are gathering at Rockwell’s for a Happy Hour. It’s open to all, so come to Blaze, bank some calories, and then you can go out and spend them, lol.
This is a repeat with a variation but it fits nicely into our programming this week. Blaze is gong to be a little different Thursday and close to a pure cardio wod, so we can hit barbell and wall balls pretty good Wednesday.
Part A
4 Rounds
10 KB Swings 35/25
20 Double Unders
10 Goblet Cossack Squats 35/26
20 Double Unders
Part B
Clean Grip deficit Deadlift (35-45# plate)
Part C
Emotm 18
Minute 1: 10 Deadlifts 205/135
Minute 2: 20 Wall Balls
Minute 3: 12 Burpees
Performance: 185/125
Scaled 135/95, 80 Single unders