
Fun Starts Here

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Part A

3 Rounds

5 Barbell Good mornings

5 Empty Barbell Push Jerks

15 Russian KB Swings 53/35

:90 Seconds Cardio of choice

Part B

Emotm 8

2 Hang Power Cleans plus 2 Jerks

2 Options: Stay at same weight, which should be heavier than workout weight


Start light and build any way you want but finish above intended workout weight.

Part C

20 Minute workout

5 Rounds

1 Round of DT 135/95

500/400 meter row

After you complete 5th round, stay on rower and row until the 20 minute mark. Score is meters rowed in the 5th round.

Performance: 115/80

Fitness: 95/65

DT is 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power cleans, 6 Shoulder to overheads