
Quick thing. I know SHRED is fun, and it’s a great workout. But you can’t just hit chest and tri’s on Sunday and be a Charmin Ultra the rest of the week and be fit. But if you come to the regular classes, which are programmed with all different time domains, and degrees of intensities and loads, along with the longer cardio of BLAZE, and THEN come to SHRED . . . well then you have something.
Let’s go
10 Minute Stations
3 Minutes Rest
Station 1
2000/1600 ski
Station 2
15/10 Cal Assault Bike
15/10 Push-Ups
10 Ring Rows
Station 3
10 Cal Row
20 AbMat Situps
Station 4
500m Bike Erg
10 Jumping Lunges
10 KB SDHP 53/35 RX+ 70/53