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We have ring dips Wednesday. Do your best because we will also have a bunch of these in SHRED Sunday so think about the best way to handle them. Possible subs for this movement are listed below. Give them a shot if you can!

Part A

1000 Meter Bike Erg

500 Meter Row

500 Meter Ski

*Rotate through. Wipe down and move on

into 3 rounds

10 Air Squats

4 Alt Samson Stretch

Part B

4X5 Back Squat @70% of 1RM

Part C


2, 4, 6, 8, 10 . . .

Front Rack Barbell Lunges 135/95

Strict Ring Dips

*10 Ab Mat Situps after each round

Performance: 115/80

Fitness: 95/65

Possible Scales: Kipping Dips, Banded Dips, Neutral Grip DB Bench Press, Bench Dips