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Hey guys, good job this weekend. Another great open gym turnout, and some PRs at Mike R’s class. I put the two strength movements from Sunday on Sugarwod so if you want to go in there and enter those to track, it’s up.

We have a 20 Minute AMRAP for Monday. Come on in!

Part A

1500m Row

Part B

Snatch Grip Floating RDL

4 Sets of 4


*3 second negative to just above floor, explode back to starting position by driving hips in.

Part C


20 AbMat Situps

15 Deadlifts 135/95

10 Toes To Bar

5 Thrusters 135/95

You can scale weight to where these thrusters are difficult. This should be a tough 5

Toes to Rings are a scaling option, along with knee raises