
Fun Starts Here

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Just a reminder to everyone, please wipe everything down after you train. That means the bars, balls, kettlebells, rowers ect… Thank you in advance!

This is why you should do the CrossFit Games 2015 Open.  Check it out HERE. The Open workouts will be announced every Thursday night for the next five weeks. You have until Monday 5pm to be judged and enter your scores that I have to validate. You will see your rank on the leaderboard every week. I’ll be posting the open workouts on Fridays. I will not have any strength posted. There are quite a few who can judge beside myself so we can actually judge each other and do two heats if we need to. If you can’t get it done on Friday, let me know and come in over the weekend and do it. Please don’t put it off if you know you can do it on Friday.  

CrossFit WOD:

8 rds:

200 meter row

5 thrusters

10 push ups w/ h/r

RX 115#/75#

RX+ 135#/95#

L1 75#/45#