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You can put the drill from Santiago’s weightlifting class to work on your jerk for strength today.


Split jerk

7 x 1

Find a 1 RM

CrossFit WOD:

0:00 – 3:00

2 rds:

10 power clean and jerk

10 pull upsĀ 

3:00- 6:00

2 rds:

12 power clean and jerk

12 pull ups

6:00 – 9:00

2 rds:

14 power clean and jerk

14 pull ups

ect …

RX 115/75

RX+ 135/95, C2B pull ups

L1 65/45, ring rows

The ladder will increase by 3 reps every 3 minutes until you cannot complete the ladder. Everyone must complete 0:00- 3:00 and 3:00 – 6:00 even if you are unable to complete the reps in the time cap.


Amrap 5 min:

5 burpees

20 double unders