Announcements: Great attendance this week with these grinding wods. Don’t forget we are in the middle of a new apparel sale. Check out the link and get your order in by the end of the week!
10 Minute Stations
3 Minute Rest
Station 1
500 Meter Bike erg
10 Bulgarians Right, 10 left
20 Jumping Lunges
Station 2
10/8 Cal Row
12 KB Glute bridge Floor Press 44/26
10 KB Curls 44/26
Station 3
12/10 Cal Ski
12 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hollow Rocks
Station 4
0-4 Minutes
50/35 Cal Assault Bike
4-6 Minutes
6-10 Minutes
50/35 Cal Assault Bike
*These assault bike numbers might be tough to hit. Let’s go after it hard though. You do get a rest so look at it like max cal 4 minute intervals.