
Fun Starts Here

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So far we have 13 fundraisers for Barbells For Boobs and have reached a total of $1282 as a team. I set a goal of $2500. There’s plenty of time to create a fundraiser page and raise money for a great cause. If you haven’t done so yet, click HERE and start fundraising. It doesn’t have to be a lot!! We will get together as a team and perform the wod “Grace,” which can be and will be scaled as needed. If this is your first time, I know you’ll love participating. We always have a great turnout and have a ton of fun.

It’s time to bring widow makers back!! This is a 6 week program starting with the first week of finding your 1 RM  back squat. Next week we’ll be starting with 20 reps of 65% of your 1 RM and each week will be building 5#. When performing the 20 reps, you can not rack the bar.  After week 6 we will be re-testing your 1 RM. Feel free to do widow makers on another day during strength if you don’t make it in on Monday.

***Class times are NOT altered with the holiday today.


Back squat


Find 1 RM

CrossFit WOD:

amrap 20 min:

400 meter run

20 kb swings 53#/35#

15 Box jumps 24″/20″

** No RX+ today