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If you missed hitting a 1 RM back squat yesterday, feel free to do it any time this week during strength. That also goes for the  6 weeks leading up to our Widow makers. I’ll be posting widow makers every Monday for 6 weeks with an increase in 5# every week. If you can’t make it in on a Monday, make it up when you can.

I’ve been working on the three workouts planned for our in house throw down. I will announce the standards for scaled and RX this week and then announce the wods. Keep in mind these workouts will be programmed so everyone in the gym can participate. I’d love to have a big turnout and see everyone have a great time. It will not be all day. I’m planning on no more than 2 hours or so. The date I have in mind is Sunday, November 15th. I’m sorry, but I can not accommodate everyone’s schedule, but I will try my best. 

Also, the date for Barbells for Boobs is Saturday, November 7th. If you can’t make it that day and still want to participate, then create a fundraiser page for yourself. All individual fundraisers are part of the Thor Fitness 2015 team. Any money raised is a collective effort as a team. If you raise $80 you automatically receive a Barbells for Boobs T shirt.


power snatch + full snatch

1 + 1 x 5 sets

60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%

CrossFit WOD:

EMOTM 12 min:

3 power snatch 125#/75# RX+ 155#/95#

8 burpees

Extra credit: 100 situps