
Fun Starts Here

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This Sunday is our in-house throw down at 10 am. There will be one class at 9 am. It’s not too late to sign up! Also, if you want to order a hoodie and/or thermal, do it this week. I’m putting the order in by the end of the week.


widow makers week # 4

20 back squats unbroken

Add 5# to the bar from your widow makers last week

The heavier you go each week, the more recovery time you will need. With that said, get in and get warmed up and get your widow makers started by ten minutes after the hour. This will be plenty of recovery time before the wod.

CrossFit WOD:

“Rowing Helen”

3 rds:

500 meter row

21 kb swings 53#/35#

12 pull ups


EMOTM 10 min:

5 T2B

Take this time to work on your Toes to bar. Don’t skip !