
Fun Starts Here

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Today is our in-house throw down/competition. What does that mean? It means we’re here to get together and complete three workouts and have a great time doing it. That’s it!! It’s not too late. If you want to compete just show up and we’ll add you to the scaled or RX division. I don’t have enough judges, so I’ll have some of you judging as well. If your children come to watch, they will NOT be allowed on the gym floor on or around the equipment. This is for the safety of your children. Thank you!

There will be a 9 am class before the throw down.

CrossFit WOD:

Wod #3 chipper

50 box jumps 24″/20″ scaled step ups

40 pull ups scaled are ring rows

30 thrusters 95#/65# scaled 75#/45#

20 burpees

10 T2B scaled knee ups

Here is the schedule for tomorrow’s throw down …

9:45 am athletes arrive to warm up

10:15 judges/athlete meeting and standards for the first wod and picking numbers for order of the ladder

Wod #1

10:30  Heat #1 scaled men and women

11:00 Heat #2 Rx men and women

 15 min break to set up and go over standards for wod #2

11:30 Heat #1 scaled men and RX men

11:45 Heat #2 scaled women and RX women

 15 min break to set up and go over standards for wod #3

12:00 Heat #1 scaled men and RX men

12:15 Heat #2 scaled women and RX women

1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will be announced. “Beverages” will be served after.