
Fun Starts Here

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As you all know, Sunday (today) was our in-house throw down. Not only did we have a great turnout, but everyone came together and had a great time training, judging and hanging together. Thank you all of you for your help today to keep things organized! Normally I train by myself so getting to train three workouts with you all was amazing. I haven’t had a chance to go through pictures yet, but I will put an album together this week and post it on the Thor Fitness FB page. Today, we’re not going to do widow makers. I’ll post them on Wednesday. If you feel like you want to do them today, then thats fine. 


Bench press

Find 1 Rm

CrossFit WOD:

amrap 12 min

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8- ect

ring dips


deadlift 225/155

Round 1 is 1 rep of each. Round 2 is 2 reps of each ect