This has low Thursday BLAZE attendance written all over it but . . .

Also, Saturday at 10 Thor is hosting the Cheru Challenge. It’s a big, fun, partner WOD fundraiser. So again, thanks so much for the generosity of so many members already. If you want to take part in the workout, hang around on Saturday. It IS a Faith RXD event and I’ve been assigned to give the faith talk to start the day so you’ll have to put up with that . . . but aside from that it should be fun.
Part A
12 Minutes
250 Row
30 second plank
60 Single Unders
Part B
60 Double Unders
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35
40 Abmat Situps
30/24 Cal Assault Bike
20 Push Presses 95/65
10 Pull-Ups
20 Push Presses 95/65
30/24 Cal Assault Bike
40 Abmat Situps
50 Russian KB Swings 53/35
60 Double Unders
Scaled: 120 Single Unders, 44/26, 75/55