

For the last few weeks since we started our weight lifting class we’ve been focusing on technique, form and range of motion.  Now I’d like to have a more structured weightlifting class.  I’ll be posting the weightlifting class’s workout for the day along with the CrossFit wod.  This is a separate workout just for the weightlifting class.  I would like to offer this class during the week as well and have a weekly programming just for this class.  Attend this weekend at 11:30 and we’ll take it from there.


Sumo dead lift


CrossFit WOD:

60 double unders

3 power cleans 155#/105# RX+ 185#/120#

30 wall balls 20#/14#

6 power cleans

15 T2B

9 power cleans

15 T2B

6 power cleans

30 wall balls

3 power cleans

60 double unders


60 singles

3 power cleans 95#/65#

15 wall balls 12#/8#

6 power cleans

15 sit ups

9 power cleans

15 sit ups

6 power cleans

15 wall balls

3 power cleans

60 singles