Wednesday we will be taking one more shot at assault bike intervals before our ten minute test next week. If we run out of assault bikes, one group will hit strength first. I would like you guys to shoot for one minute rest, so try to get this done in 3 minutes. For guys, this will be about 62-63 rpms, for the ladies this will will be around 56. Let’s go!
Part A
Assault Bike Intervals
5 Minute Cardio of choice warm up
Then . . .
4 Rounds
Every 4 Minutes
40/30 Calories
Part B
Strict chin-up work
4×8 Strict Chin Ups
If you are proficient at these, try weighted and less reps.
If this is a weakness, use bands or do 4 sets of 4 slow negatives
Part C
5 Rounds
9 Thrusters 95/65
35 Double Unders
Scaled: 75/55, 80 Singles