Well, if you’re reading this, you’re hopefully looking at our new web page! It’s functioning but we’ll be getting rid of the stock photos and adding personalized ones. We’ll be adding new logos and artwork and maybe videos as well. The blog should be functioning along with all the contact forms and review forms. Also, it is now linked with Triib so as I update the Triib calendar that should push to the website calendar. Be patient as we finish the launch. Thanks!
5 Minute stations! 2x through.
Station 1
3 Rounds
8 Cal Ski
8 Burpees
Station 2
2 Rounds
200 Meter Run
500 Meter Bike
Station 3
3 Rounds
10/8 Cal Row
10 Pushups
10 Hanging Knee Raises
Station 4
2 Rounds
20 Hollow Rocks
20 Reverse Crunches
25 Crunches
Station 5
2 Rounds
10 Ring Rows
18/13 Cal Assault Bike