Well once again we have 5 stations. In each station you must complete the prescribed work in 4 minutes. We’ll be running through the entire circuit twice. There are some new movements so I have posted some videos below but your coach will also review them.
So here’s the deal. These reps are tough to get in. Do not worry! There might be a station that is in your wheelhouse and you have rest. There might be another station that is trouble for you and you don’t make it. That’s okay! This is about getting work done and not stressing. Scale as you need. If you’ve never done a wall sit before, don’t use the KB. Or try a lighter one. Let’s all post in RX and you can make notes about your modifications. BLAZE is about sweat and camaraderie, not competition. That being said, I bet you can do more than you think you can! Fight for the reps!
Station 1
4 Minutes
24/18 Cal Assault
15 Burpees
Station 2
4 Minutes
30/24 Cal Row
40 Med ball floor toss
Station 3
4 Minutes
1500/1200 meter Bike Erg
Station 4
4 Minutes
:40 Second KB Goblet Loaded Wall Sit 35/26
32/26 Cal Ski
Station 5
4 minutes
50 Mountain Climbers
50 Crunches