ANNOUNCEMENTS: Our annual Holiday party will be on Saturday, December 8th at Napper Tandy’s starting at 8 pm. This will be open bar with appetizers. Cost will be $44 which will include tip. If you don’t want to do open bar, you can pay as you go.
EMOM x 10 min
Odd: 15/12 cal row
Even: 60 du’s
Rest 3 min
10 min amrap:
6 cal assault bike
6 sdhp’s 95/65
6 lateral burpees over the bar
Rest 3 min
For time: (cap 10 min)
100 alt db snatches 50/35
*Start w TTB
EMOM x 10 min
Odd: 12/10 cal row
Even: 100 singles
Rest 3 min
10 min amrap:
6 cal assault bike
6 sdhp’s 75/45
6 lateral burpees over the bar
Rest 3 min
For time: (cap 10 min)
100 alt db snatches 35/25
*EMOM 6 knee raises
*Start w knee raises