


This Saturday is our in-house competition. Athletes arrive at 9 am. Competition starts at 9:30. Scaled teams will start first with two heats. Rx will be one heat. I will announce the schedule. Remember to have fun and invite your favorite peeps to come cheer you on.

Please sign up on the sheet by the white board ASAP if you are attending the Thor Fitness holiday party Saturday, December 10th at Napper Tandy’s in Smithtown. I have to give the manager a head count by Friday.


EMOM x 10

2 hang squat snatch + 1 snatch balance + 1 ohs

2 + 1 + 1 x 5

CrossFit WOD:

amrap 15 min:

3 power snatch 125#/75# RX+ 155#/95#

6 T2B

9 pull ups RX+ strict