

There were A LOT of back squat 1 rep max  pr’s today after 6 weeks of widow makers. Many of you who followed the program had great results. It’s pretty awesome to see the hard work you all put into this grueling widow maker program pay off. It’s not too late to finish up this week if you missed today. I’m proud of everyone who participated, PR or not!


Snatch complex

5 x 2 + 1 + 1

Build to a heavy single 

2 hang squat snatch

1 snatch balance

1 overhead squat

CrossFit WOD:

6 min amrap ascending by 2 reps each round. 2/2, 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, 12/12 ect…

hand release burpee pull ups RX+ muscle ups

squat snatch 95#/65# RX + 135#/95#