

Starting today we will be doing the same workout for every class throughout the day. The workout might be CrossFit wod or a Sweat wod. You may not know this, but you all had been doing a Sweat class here and there. I just didn’t call it Sweat. So we will be going back to regular programing and Sweat wods will definitely show up. I just won’t have specific classes just for Sweat.

My friends at CrossFit South Shore let me know that there are still openings for men’s scaled teams and women’s Rx teams for their competition coming up on Saturday, November 3rd. The cost is $70 a team and all proceeds go to the puppies at Last Chance Animal Rescue. Tara and Doug, owners of South Shore, are very involved with this organization. There will also be dogs there the morning of that I believe are up for adoption. We haveĀ  two teams registered. What are you waiting for?? Two of the wods have been announced. Check it out and sign up. This is for the pups!!


Power clean



The goal is to accumulate 2000m row. At the top of every minute, perform the prescribed number of power cleans before getting back on the rower. It starts with row and goes like this:

0:00-1:00 = Row as many meters as possible .

1:00-2:00 = 1 power clean, row for meters

2:00-3:00 = 2 power cleans, row for meters

3:00-4:00 = 3 power cleans, row for meters

4:00-5:00 = 4 power cleans, row for meters

*Keep going until you get to 2000 meters or hit the 20 minute time cap.

OPEN/PERFORMANCE 135#/95# power cleans

FITNESS 115#/75#