If you’re attending the holiday party, Saturday December 19th at The Grill, please sign up at the white board! Also, please be a little more diligent in wiping your equipment off when you’re done working out. It’s flu season, and I’d like to take extra precautions to keep bars, abmats, pull up bars ect germ free. Thank you!!
Bench press
CrossFit WOD:
10 kb swings 53#/35# RX+ 70#/44#
10 pull ups RX+ C2B pullups
250 meter row
20 kb swings 53#/35# RX+ 70#/44#
20 pull ups RX+C2B pullups
500 meter row
30 kb swings 53#/35# RX+ 70#/44#
30 pull ups RX+ C2B pullups
800 meter row