Hey guys! More news about our awesome staff. A huge congrats to Coach Nelson who successfully completed his Level 2 Certification. Great job!Nelson brings a lot of CrossFit and coaching knowledge to Thor Fitness. Come on in and take advantage. Nelson will now be coaching 6:15/7:15 on Wednesday evenings in addition to his normal morning schedule.
On to the workout. . .
We’ll be trying to get some running in for BLAZE on Thursday
And we will be going AMRAP style. 7 Minute Stations, 1 minute rest.
Station 1
200 Meter Run
200 Meter Overhead Plate Carry 45/35
Station 2
12/8 Cal Assault
6 Alt Single Arm Devil’s presses ( 35-50/15-35)
Station 3
10 Cal Ski
10 Wall Balls 14/10
Station 4
20 Hollow Rocks
:20 second accumulated Superman hold
Station 5
500 Meter Bike erg
10 Hand Release Pushups
10 Strict knee raises