

We have 5 five minute stations this time so it will be a little more work. As always, just get as much work done as you can without redlining.

We have a new ab movement today, the plate crunch. There is a video at the bottom.

And good news, burpees over the rower are back!

Also, this is 50 minutes of work so let’s get in on time and be ready to go right away! Thanks!

Station 1

2 Rounds

Run 200

15/12 Cal Assault

Station 2

2 Rounds

15/12 Cal Bike erg

15 Push-ups

15 Empty Barbell Curls

Station 3

2 Rounds

20/16 Cal Ski

20 Hollow Rocks

Station 4

2 Rounds

15/12 Cal Row

15 Burpees Over the rower

Station 5

2 Rounds

15 Plate Crunches 25/15

15 Hanging Strict knee raises

Here is how we’ll be doing the plate crunch