BLAZE is back for this Thursday and is comprised of a series of four 9 minute AMRAPS with a 1 minute rest in between stations. We have cardio pieces, core strength movements, and bodyweight exercises built in to each AMRAP. We are scoring for total reps so the more work the better! However, the way to survive this and accumulate reps is an even steady pace throughout. This should be fun and a great workout. We have red, blue, green and yellow stations and will have max groups of four athletes, depending on how many people in class, starting simultaneously at each station and then proceeding through all four.
9 Minute Amrap
12/10 Cal Row
12 Pushups
12 Strict Hanging leg raises
1 minute rest
9 Minute Amrap
12/9 Cal Bike
12 Burpees
12 Hollow Rocks
1 Minute Rest
9 Minute Amrap
12 Cal Ski
12 Ring Rows
12 Reverse Crunches
1 Minute Rest
9 Minute Amrap
200 Meter Run
12 Reverse Lunges
12 DB Russian Twists per side