

As of today, you no longer have to pre-register for the 6:30 or 8:30 am classes. Please get to class on time, and don’t forget to check in!! Arriving late is disrespectful to the coach and those that have arrived on time. If you are more than ten minutes late, you’ll have to wait for the next class.


5 rds:

1 min max rep bench press 135/75 immediately into:

1 min max reps cals on the rower

2 min rest


2 rds:

50 Russian KBS 53/35

50 situps (feet anchored on the KB)

100 double unders

Cap: 12 min


12/9 cals on the bike before every station or 1 min. You only have 1 min stations at each station

1. 6 devil press 40/30

2. 20 Russian KBs 53/35

3. 15 wall balls 20/14

4. 15 plate situp 35/25

5. 15 burpee

6. 60 double under

7. 15 box jumps 24/2

8. 20 air squats

That’s 16 min … rest 5 min and REPEAT for 12/9 cal on the rower.


1. 6 devil press 20/10

2. 20 Russian KBs 26/18

3. 15 wall balls 14/8

4. 15 plate situp 15/10

5. 15 burpee or push ups

6. 60 singles

7. 15 box jumps 20/11

8. 20 air squats