

Here is the third wod for the In House Throw down! Don’t forget to sign up!! Everyone can do this! Get a partner ASAP. The date is Sunday, July 23rd. Start time will be 9 am and should end around 11ish.

In house throw down Wod #3

For time to divide the reps up as each team sees fit. There will be a 3 burpee hand off when switching.

200 double unders

100 kb swings

60 T2B

50 cal row


400/200 singles

100 kb swings 26#/18# L1 18#

60 knee raises

50 cal row


Some other great news to tell you all about is Kettlebell Kitchen is giving new people signing up 50 % off the first order. The code is KBK50. This is only for those who have never ordered before. There is now an option to create your own meals. Check it out on

Don’t forget to welcome Thor Fitness’s 10 new Six Week challenge peeps! They’re all super excited to start and some are a little nervous, so be sure to introduce yourself.


Hang Power snatch



Hang power snatch technique with PVC and/or empty 15# bar

5 x 3

CrossFit WOD:

4 rds with a 4 minute clock:

Rd 1:

400 meter run. In time remaining max reps push ups w h/r

Rest 2 min

Rd 2:

400 meter run. In time remaining max reps pull ups

RX+ C2B L1 ring rows

Rest 2 min

Rd 3:

400 meter run. In time remaining max reps box jumps

24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″ L1 11″

Rest 2 min

Rd 4:

400 meter run. In time remaining max reps kb swings

53#/35# RX+ 70#/44# L1 26#/18#

*** Level 1 is a 200 meter run