Today we are doing a workout in honor of Master Sergeant Christopher Raguso who died tragically serving our country last year with 6 others in Iraq when their helicopter went down on March 15th, 2018. It was the day after his 39th birthday. One of his last Facebook posts was him face timing with his wife and two little girls eating cake to celebrate.
Chris was a member of the 106 Rescue Wing in West Hampton as well as a Lieutenant with the FDNY and Commack FD, but first and foremost he was a husband and father, son, brother and friends to many. I’m super proud to have met Chris when he started CrossFit with me in my first location when I opened in 2010. I used to call him Big Chris. He was a member for a while until his wife gave birth to their second daughter. I remember him saying the second daughter was up all night colicky and he needed to be home to help out more with his wife. He stopped doing CrossFit with me but tried to do some wods at the firehouse.
We remained friends over the years and always kept in touch. About 8 months before his death he asked me to come over to see his garage gym that was across the street at his sister-in-law’s house. He really wanted me to help his sister-in-law’s husband with technique (they were training buddys) because he was afraid he was going to hurt himself with certain lifts. We made several attempts to get us all together and finally we were going to meet, but the brother-in-law got caught up at work last minute, but I went anyway. I’m so glad I did. That was the last time I saw him. We had spent time making meter marks in the street for wods, going over lifts, and I was able to see his wife, two little girls and sister-in-law. They were one big happy family.
I will be doing this workout at 9 with everyone. No one will be coaching. I programmed this workout to honor Chris on the anniversary of his death. I really don’t want to make a big speech tomorrow, but I’d like to get right into the warm up and setting up. The following pictures Chris sent me on one of his deployments. I’m not sure where it was, but I do think it was 2010 or maybe 2011. I know most of you didn’t know him but know of him. So thank you in advance for those who are coming in to tackle this workout for him.

“Big Chris”
5 rds
3 min amrap
3 burpees
6 hang power cleans
9 push jerks
1 min rest between rounds. Pick up where you left off for total rounds and reps
*** You choose the weight
SHRED @ 7 and 8 am
Part A
15 minutes:
75/45 Barbell
Minute 1:
15 strict press
5 Push Press
5 Push jerk
Minute 2:
Minute 3:
25 barbell shrugs
Part B
12 min amrap
20 alternating DB curls 25/15
10 perfect push-ups.
Part C
5 rounds
10 strict hanging knee raises
25 crunches