Great job on Open 19.2! Julie posted some great pics on the Facebook Thor Fitness Athletes. If you haven’t joined the group, do it!!
If you didn’t pre register for Mike V’s Shred class, I believe it is already full. Please sign up for this class because you want to take it and not because you want to train at 8 am. There are a lot of people who really love this class, and I’d hate for them not to be able to attend because others just want to get in early. Thank you!
For time:
Russian kettlebell swings, 53#(35#)
Ab mat sit ups
Double unders
Part A
5 Rounds
On a 90 second clock
-10 push presses RX 115/75
*scaled-slightly heavier than Fran weight
-Max cal assault in remaining time
-Rest 30 seconds
Score is calorie total
Part B
Arm Wod
10 Min Emotm
10 empty barbell curls
10 tri extensions
*try to add 5-10 lbs from last time
Part C
Hanging leg raises
Crunches-hands and feet in the air
DB Russian Twists 35/20