

Don’t forget that Monday, the gym will be closed for Memorial Day.  As you all know, the workout for Sunday will be Murph. I will also be posting a scaled version as well.  If you’re going away, have an awesome weekend!

If you signed up, be sure to be on time. The clock will start at 8:10 and no later for the 8 am class. If you arrive later than 8:10, you’ll be starting on your own time. If you’re coming in for the 9 am class, same goes. So far no one signed up for the 10 am class. Get in and get it done. Latecomers will have to jump in on the clock.

CrossFit WOD:


power snatches 115#/75# RX= 135#/95#

box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″

*** 20 double unders after each interval


Back squats 65% x 3  10 sets 

Push jerks work up to a heavy single within 7 reps

Accessory: good mornings to 45 degrees: 3 x 8. Use weight that is manageable

 After each set of good mornings superset with 25 situps