Hey guys. Wow. Good job to those of you who hit that emotm Friday. That one was rough. Let’s keep it going for the weekend and get back to SHRED.
A little schedule change as there’s an event at Thor later. Stay tuned for info on the Cheru challnge on April 2 where we can help get clean water to the kids in Africa. It’s an amazing charity and I’m excited to be involved. More info to come.
Shred 7:30
Shred 8:30
Partner Wod
200 Bench Presses
200 Ring Rows
200 Situps
Trade Reps however you wish. Here’s the catch, while you are benching, your partner must be hanging on the rig. While you are ring rowing, your partner must be in top of pushup position. While you are chipping away at situps, one partner must be in a hollow hold.
Shred is back. Here we go.