So here is the broad plan for the week. Yes, Saturday is a tough one. We have deadlifts, more squatting (wall balls) and more rowing. But after Saturday we really only have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday left to hit Metcons before the Open. We’ll definitely keep up the intensity but we’ll also try to leave our legs and lumbars fresh by shutting them down a bit after this one. We’ll hit some overhead work early in the week and some more DB’s and skills as well.
So with that said, we are doing an Open Wod on Saturday to get the feel! This will be our last high volume deadlifting work for the week so come in and get it done. In 2016 and 2017 this was capped at 14 Minutes. We are going to go to 18 Minutes. We’ll talk about HSPU scales in the morning.
18 Minutes
55 Deadlifts 225/155
55 Wall Balls 20/14
55 Calorie Row
55 Handstand Push-Ups
Scaled: 135/95, 20#/10# to a 9 foot target