

I would like to ask you all to please bring your sneakers/oly shoes and change into them when you get to the gym. Sand and water from the parking lot is covering the floor.   It’s impossible for me to vacuum and mop the floor between classes.   So if you can all change your shoes when you walk in the front door, that would really help me a lot.   Also all gym bags should be placed on top or bottom of the coat rack or put by the chairs in the corner.  Please don’t throw your stuff in the middle of the floor when you walk in or all along the wall.  Feel free to use my office as well.  Let’s keep it clean and organized!!  Thank you!


Back squat

Find your 1 Rm

CrossFit WOD:

7 min amrap:

7 dead lift 225#/155# RX+ 255#/185#

7 box jump 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″

7 K2E  RX+ T2B