

What a great time and huge turnout for our holiday party on Saturday night. 
Thank you all for coming out during the busy holiday season and taking time to hang out. 

Most of the apparel is in except for men’s XL and XXL hoodies.   I’m expecting them Monday or Tuesday the latest.  I love all of the new t shirts, hoodies thermals and ladies tanks.  It took a while, but it was worth the wait.  The custom wraps should be in by next week.    Also available are fusion Gift certificates.  Finish up your last minute Christmas shopping!!  The elements program is a great gift!!

I’m making a change to the holiday schedule that was posted previously:

TUESDAY (Christmas Eve) 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 am. No night classes

WEDNESDAY (Christmas day) Closed

THURSDAY  8:30, 9:30 a.m, 5 and 6 p.m.


Widow Makers (Week #5)

20 back squats unbroken

Add 5# from what you did last week.  As the weight is getting heavier each week it’s taking some of you a long time to recover and get into the workout.  If this is the case for you, try to get in earlier to allow for more rest time.

CrossFit WOD:

“Diamond in the rough”

AMRAP 5 min:

7 box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″

7 pull ups

Rest 2 min:

AMRAP 5 min:

7 push press 95#/65# RX+ 115#/85#

7 T2B


AMRAP 5 min:

7 box jumps 14″/11″

7 jumping pull ups or ring rows


AMRAP 5 Min:

7 push press 65″/35#

7 sit ups

***Your score is rounds and reps from both workouts