We’ll be seeing some skill movements this week. Monday we are starting with Rope climbs and HSPU. Let’s work on that J Hook (basket) clamp for rope climbs. If you want to skip strength and work on this skill that’s great. Sit on a box next to the rope and practice this footwork. If you want to be on a rope for the wod, you can try this. As a scale you can go halfway up and come back down. If you’re uncomfortable, no problem! The fitness option is, 5 knees to elbows + 5 air squats = 1 Rope Climb
Overhead squats
2 Rope Climbs
500 Meter Row
20 OHS 95/65
2 Rope Climbs
400 Meter Run
20 SDHP 95/65
2 Rope Climbs
500 Meter Row
20 KB Swings 53/35
2 Rope Climbs
400 Meter Run
75/55 Barbell
35/26 KB
5 K2E + 5 air squats = 1 rope climb,
1 minute upside down or 10 barbell push presses = 10 HSPU