1.This Saturday is Barbells For Boobs fundraiser. There will be one class only at 9 am to get together and raise money for Breast Cancer. We will have two heats. Heat one will be “judging” heat 2 and then reverse. This is a fundraiser! It’s not a competition. Your judge is there to count your reps and get you through “Grace,” which is 30 reps for time of clean and jerks 135#/95#. We will “celebrate” after!
2. Don’t forget to take advantage of the Kettlebell Kitchen discounts. Email Joe @ [email protected] for a $25 credit on top of using the code FUSION for 20% off of your order. I believe the 20% off is good only untli November 3rd. Joe will be here doing a tasting during Barbells For Boobs as well. He’ll be here to serve you some great healthy food and answer any questions you might have for him.
3.If you want apparel, do it now! I will not have inventory so get it now. I have the order sheet on the white board. Place your order now. Cash will be due in two weeks right before I place the order.
Split jerk
CrossFit WOD:
min 1: 10 overhead squats 95#/65# RX+ 115#/85#
min 2: 10 pull ups RX+ C2B
min 3: 12 box jumps 24″/20″ RX+ 30″/24″
100 abmat situps for time!