No strength today! TGIF! Don’t forget to keep Saturday, December 21st open for our holiday party at the Grill Room in Hauppauge. We will have open bar and appetizers from 8 – 12, $30 per person. Next week I’ll have a sign up sheet of who will be attending so I can let the owner of the Grill Room have an idea of how many may be coming. I am NOT collecting money. This is the Grill Room’s job. If you or your favorite person that may be coming with you does not drink, there will be a different price. $30 per person for open bar and appetizers is pretty awesome though. Every year we have a great time hanging out during the holiday season. Try to make it that night.
CrossFit WOD:
“Rough Ride”
EMOTM 20 min:
Even minutes: 5 power clean + push jerk 135#/95# RX+ 155#/115#
Odd minutes: 8 burpees
EMOTM 20 min:
Even minutes: 5 power clean + push jerk 75#/45#
Odd minutes: 5 burpees