ANNOUNCEMENT: April is Autism awareness month. Joanne has asked me to support her cause. I’ll be collecting donations for the next month. Please show your support as well. Let’s try to fill the wall by the Assault bikes with Autism puzzle pieces with your name and amount donated. It doesn’t have to be much!! Thank you.
Clean and jerk
You can squat clean or power clean, push jerk or split jerk
For Time:
100 Double-Unders, 50 Reverse Lunges, 25 Pushups
80 Double-Unders, 40 Reverse Lunges, 20 Pushups
60 Double-Unders, 30 Reverse Lunges, 15 Pushups
40 Double-Unders, 20 Reverse Lunges, 10 Pushups
20 Double-Unders, 10 Reverse Lunges, 5 Pushups
For Time:
150 Single Unders, 50 Reverse Lunges, 25 Pushups
120 Single Unders, 40 Reverse Lunges, 20 Pushups
90 Single Unders, 30 Reverse Lunges, 15 Pushups
60 Single Unders, 20 Reverse Lunges, 10 Pushups
30 Single Unders, 10 Reverse Lunges, 5 Pushups