
Fun Starts Here

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Guys! Amazing job over the weekend. We had a tough week and kept it going through the weekend. I was very proud of what I saw on Saturday and Sunday. Awesome work.

We’re hitting some posterior in our strength/accessory work on Monday and then rolling that into a deadlift wod. Check out the video of the Band Pull Through. Grab a challenging band, walk it out and get a one second squeeze with every rep. Let’s go!

Part A

3 Rounds

5 Single Arm Devil’s Press Per Side

5 Single Arm DB Overhead Squat Per side

5 Single Arm DB Thrusters per side

Part B

4 Rounds

15 Band Pull Throughs 20X2

15 DB Hip Thrusts 20X2

10 Rower Hamstring Curls

Part C


Deadlifts 155/105

Ring Dips

AbMat Situps

Assault Bike

Performance: 135/95

Fitness: 115/80, Banded Dips or DB Bench Press