
Fun Starts Here

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We have some solid work for Saturday. Hey guys, as the numbers tick up and the Governor imposes stricter protocols, let’s make sure we keep up with ours. Please keep up with the surveys, don’t come in if you don’t feel well or were exposed and let’s just keep doing what we’re doing. Thanks. We’re doing great!

So we have 7 assault bikes, but for this wod if we’re short you can use bike erg or rower as well. This is a good one either way.

Part A

4 Rounds

10 Ring Rows

:30 second top of push-up plank

10 Jumping Air Squats

5 KB Snatch Per side

Part B

Every Two Minutes for 20 Minutes

3 Hang Power Cleans 115/80

6 Push Presses 115/80

3 Hang Power Cleans 115/80

9/7 Cal Bike

Performance: 95/65

Fitness: 75/55