
Fun Starts Here

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Great work this week guys. We had some awesome scores on the assault bike test. Lots of people busting through PRs lately. It’s no coincidence that those of you who are coming regularly and paying attention to tempos and technique and working hard are the same ones who are killing it! Great work!

Let’s try to lay a good foundation heading into the holidays. A few tips so that a cheat day doesn’t turn into a cheat month. Remember, January 1 is for rookies. Let’s start now.

*Reduce sugar

* Limit alcohol

*Get to bed early

*Double up on hydration

We can do this

Part A

4 Rounds

20 Mountain Climbers

10 Alt Goblet Reverse Lunges

2 alt KB Turkish Get UPs

Part B


6 Thrusters 95/65

9 Burpees

6 SDHP 95/65

9 Cal Bike

Scaled: 75/55