
Fun Starts Here

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Holiday Hours

12/24-5:30, 6:45, 9:30

12/25 Closed

We will be looking to do some form of our 12 days of Christmas Wod on 12/24 and will be having three classes in the morning. Reguister up to days before and come on in and have fun!

Also, check out the very cool Thor Fitness masks we have for sale on the merchandise shelf. Matt McGuire and Sport Loft did a great job. Thanks Matt. I’ll post the link for apparel this week. There are one or two new items that are very cool.

Oke, no strength today. We have Grace, which is a classic CrossFit Benchmark Wod. It is 30 Clean and Jerks for time. We’ll be doing an extensive warm up, then building up to workout weight. Then hitting it.

Part A

10 Minutes easy to moderate cardio. Pick a machine. Its okay to switch or cycle to different machines during the 10 minutes. Start easy and work to moderate.

Then 4 Rounds

5 Heavy Single KB Sumo DL

5 DB Push Jerk right

5 DB Push jerk Left

5 high box jumps

Part B

10 Minutes to warm up to workout weight

Part C

30 Clean and Jerks 135/95