
Fun Starts Here

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Hey guys! Let’s get some cardio in before our big 12 Days Wod. If you can come in Thursday for that, awesome! But definitely reserve early. We only have three classes and they’re capped at 10. No drop ins. If not, no worries! Get your cardio on Wednesday with a BLAZE style workout and then enjoy the holiday. This one is as tough as you make it. We’re scoring for total carries. If you want to go for it and max out, let’s do it. If not, just cruise and get some active recovery.

12 Minute Stations

3 Minute rest

Station 1

12 Minute Bike Erg for Max Calories.

Every Minute stop and do 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35

Station 2

12 Minute Ski for Max Calories

Every Minute Stop and do 8 wall balls 14/10

Station 3

12 Minute Assault Bike for Max Calories

Every Minute Stop and do 4 alt Single Arm Devil’s Press