
Fun Starts Here

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Let’s finish up the year with a BLAZE workout. We’re just going to have the one class on New Year’s Day and that will be at 9. Check the calendar on TRIIB and reserve in . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . go!

So if you won’t be getting in on New Year’s Day, come to this abnormally aggressive BLAZE class! Let’s push it to finish out the year

8 Minute AMRAPS

2 Minute Rest

Station 1

10 Cal ski

10 Push-ups

Station 2

10 Cal Row

5 Single arm KB thruster per side 35/26

RX+ 53/35

Station 3

20 Bicycle kicks

20 Tuck Ups

:20 Second plank

Station 4

10 Cal Assault Bike

10 Jumping air Squats