
Fun Starts Here

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Happy New Year everyone! Enjoy your rest rest and recovery day and let’s get ready to meet goals and make gains in the new year. For those that didn’t make the cut for January 1, we have good workouts all weekend so no worries! Enjoy your rest.

Also . . . the link to order apparel is now active! Here it is and it’s also in the bio on our instagram @thorfitness_li

There are a few new items so check it out! Order now and pay when it comes in. The link will be active till January 11.

Part A

10 Minutes

10 Cal Bike

20 Jumping jacks

10 Alt light DB Snatch

Part B

Buy in 50 AbMat Situps

Then 6 rounds

21 Double Unders

15 Cal Row

9 Deadlifts 185/125

Cash out-50 AbMat Situps

Performance: 135/95

Fitness: 115/75, 50 Singles