
Fun Starts Here

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Okay! Don’t forget about the online store. It’s closing 1/11 which is Monday. If you want gear here’s the link!

Secondly, the Open! It’s only three weeks this year and starts the second week of March. This is always a great time and this year CrossFit is making a big effort to get as many people involved as possible. There are lots of scaled opetions this year. This is for everyone! I have a feeling with new ownership this is going to be a great Open year.

Here is the link to sign up. We are affiliated under the name CrossFit Valhalla.

Here is the link. Sign up and let’s do it!

CrossFit Games Login

Okay, now on to Friday . . .

Part A

3 Rounds

250 Meter Row

2 Wall walks or :20 second handstand hold

10 Alt Single arm Russian KB Swing 44/26

Part B

Overhead Squat


Part C


Calorie Row

Burpee Over the rower

Overhead Squat 115/80

Performance: 95/65

Fitness: 75/55