
Fun Starts Here

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For Saturday we have a chipper designed by Ben Bergeron that includes many of the standard movements we see in the Open. It is time capped and fully scalable. It includes many movements so it’s bound to hit something that was just worked but if you’re feeling banged up just go with a weight that’s comfortable.

I like to program this a month or two before the Open to get an idea of where we stand. Let’s do 20 minutes of good work here! It’s a great wod.

Go to the CrossFit Games site, log in or create an account and sign up for the Open under CrossFit Valhalla!!!! It’s going to be big this year and it’s only three weeks. We already have a bunch of people signed up. I’m psyched!

Part A

Rotate through . . .

40/30 Cal Row

40/30 Cal Ski

40/30 Cal Bike erg

Part B

“Bergeron Open Test”

AMRAP 20 Minutes

50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)

50 Double Unders

40 Box Jumps (24/20)

40 Toes To Bar

30 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups

30 Burpees

20 Power Cleans

20 Jerks

10 Power Snatches (145/100)

10 Muscle Ups