
Fun Starts Here

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Yeah guys! Great work done at SHRED yesterday!! Stay tuned for next week . . .

We’ve added some more choices to apparel. Monday is the last day to order!!

So, we have ring dips in the workout. We’ll be seeing these in SHRED. Try these with a band. There is a lot going on with this movement with upper body and stabilizer muscles etc. Let’s work it. We’re going to be doing some muscle up progressions going forward as well so this is a nice base to have.

Part A

5 rounds

6 Single arm Kb cleans per side

6 tuck jumps

6 Alt rotating pushups

Part B

Hang Power Clean


Part C

5 Rounds

10 box jumps 30″/24

10 Ring Dips

10 hang power clean 155/105

Performance: 135/95, 24/20

Fitness: 115/80, 24/20

Possible scaling options for ring dips: Neutral grip DB bench press, bench dips